
posted in: Design Projects | 0

A customer came in wanting a stomacher designed for a dress she is having made. A Stomacher is a very old traditional piece of jewellery or adornment that was sewn onto the front of a garment. The brief was, to include amethyst and use her old jewellery and the diamonds set in them. With earrings to match. She left a piece of the dress material as inspiration for the design. Sam who had initial contact with the customer and knew … Read More

Divers Helmet

posted in: Design Projects | 0

This project started out with a photo of a Mark V divers helmet sent to us by an out of town client. His request was to make a small replica of the helmet to be worn as a pendant using his gold. For the design we decided on a 3 dimensional front, with a flat back so it would sit better. First Philip cleaned and melted the gold into a useable form. Then Sam hand made every piece in the … Read More

Fleur-de-lis Project

posted in: Design Projects | 0

Our client came in with a lot of old jewellery. Which she was interested in having them all remade as one ring using all the 49 diamonds. Sam had the initial contact with the customer and got her thoughts. We removed all the diamonds from their mounts and laid them out in all types of different arrangements. Sam then did a pencil drawing of what she thought was the best arrangement. She had a fleur-de-lis inspired in mind. Then Allan … Read More